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Депутатът Джоан Райън специално за „Новини Лондон“: Всички сте добре дошли след Брекзит!

Вижте какво сподели един от избраниците на община Енфийлд за новия Статут на уседналост

Публикувана: 29 Jul 2019 12:34
Обновена: 09 May 2024 06:59
Прочетена: 2785
Депутатът Джоан Райън специално за „Новини Лондон“: Всички сте добре дошли след Брекзит!

„Сигурна съм, че всички от вас вече знаят за това какво е Брекзит и какво предстои да се случи с Обединеното кралство съвсем скоро в следствие на референдума, който се проведе през юни 2016 година. Брекзит е и една от най-големите трудности, пред които Великобритания се е изправяла в цялата си история. Процесът пряко ще засегне и ще окаже въздействие върху живота на всички нас, включително и на 3-те милиона граждани на ЕС, живеещи на Острова. Вие всички дадохте своя фантастичен принос за страната ни и винаги ще бъдете добре дошли тук!“.

С тези думи започва писмото си до читателите на „Новини Лондон“ Джоан Райън, екс депутат от Лейбиръстката партия и по настоящем независим народен представител в Британския парламент. Като избраник на община Енфийлд, тя многократно е признавала, че за нея е чест да представлява хората от северен Лондон и Енфийлд Норт. С изказването си, тя се присъединява към позицията на кмета на Лондон - г-н Садик Хан, който също многократно е заявявал, че "Лондон винаги ще бъде отворен за всички българи".

От офиса на г-жа Райън любезно се свързаха с медията ни, за да напомнят за пореден път необходимостта от новия Статут на уседналост, който всеки от нашите сънародници, който желае да остане да живее или работи в Обединеното кралство легално, трябва да си извади. Приложено ще ви покажем и самото писмо на г-жа Райън, в което подробно можете да видите стъпките и начините, по които можете да се сдобиете с него.

Важна и интересна информация се съдържа за жителите на район Енфийлд, и не само, разбира се, за които вече се провеждат безплатни информационни срещи в Enfield Town Libarary и в Palmers Green Library.

А ето и какво гласи цялото писмо:

The EU Settlement Scheme

As things stand, the UK is set to leave the EU on 31 October 2019. If this happens, EU residents living in the UK under the EU’s Freedom of Movement rules will see their residence status change.

The UK Government has agreed with the EU a new status for these residents, to allow them to continue living, working and studying in the country. This new residence status is called Settled or pre-Settled status.

You and your family members can apply for this status through the EU Settlement Scheme. It means your right to live here will be protected and you will still be able to access public services, such as healthcare and schools, as well public funds and pensions.  

Who is eligible to apply to for the EU Settlement Scheme?

You need to be an EU citizen or a non-EU family member of an EU citizen.

You will have to provide evidence that you have lived in the UK for five consecutive years (continuous residence) to be eligible for Settled status when you apply. If you can’t, but have entered the UK on or before 31 December 2020, you may be granted pre-Settled status. Pre-Settled status can be changed to Settled status once you have five years of continuous residence in the UK.

All family members will need to apply individually, although parents or guardians will need to complete the applications on behalf of children in their care.

You do not need to apply if you have indefinite leave to remain or enter, but you can if you want to.

What do I need to do to apply?

Applying to the scheme is free of charge.

The scheme is open and can be primarily completed online. Search the term ‘Apply to the EU Settlement Scheme’ on the UK Government website.

You can apply using any device, for example, a laptop, Android device or iPhone. There is also a mobile phone app to support the process.

When you apply, you’ll need proof of:

  • your identity;
  • your residence in the UK, unless you have a valid permanent residence document, or valid indefinite leave to remain in or enter the UK;

You will also be asked to declare if you have any criminal convictions. You may still be eligible to apply for Settled or pre-Settled status if you have any convictions. This will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

If you are not able to provide any relevant information or proof of residence, the Home Office (the government department responsible for the EU Settlement Scheme) has said it will engage with you further to help determine your residence in the UK.

What are the deadlines for applying to the scheme?

The UK Government has confirmed the scheme will continue to operate in the event of a no-deal Brexit, and the qualifying rules will remain the same. However, please note, that:

  • If the UK leaves the EU with a deal, the deadline for applications will be 30 June 2021.
  • If the UK leaves without a deal, the deadline will be 31 December 2020.

Where can I get further help and advice?

I know that some people may have difficulty understanding the application process, can’t access or use a computer, may have limited understanding of the English language, or have a disability or other health issue that may prevent them from completing the application process without support.

Therefore, it is important that they know there is help and advice on offer.

You can get help with your application on the phone or online. Call 0300 123 7379 (call charges may apply). Or you can get help via a contact form on the UK Government website (Search the term ‘Ask a question about applying for settled status’).

The Mayor of London runs a useful information website for EU citizens living in the capital (search the term ‘EU Londoners Hub’). The service provides you with guidance about Brexit, you can check your eligibility for Settled status and you can also download and share information on Brexit and the EU Settlement Scheme in your native language.

Local authorities and organisations like Citizens Advice are also providing EU citizens in their areas with free assistance on Brexit and the EU Settlement Scheme. For example, in Enfield the local Council and Citizens Advice have teamed up to offer free advice services at local libraries. Enfield residents can pop along to Enfield Town Library (66 Church Street, Enfield, EN2 6AX) every Wednesday from 10am to 4pm or to Palmers Green Library (Broomfield Lane, Enfield, N13 4EY) to speak to an advisor face-to-face. No need to book an appointment!

And, remember, your local Member of Parliament will always be ready to assist and to point you in the right direction for further advice and support. If you are an Enfield North resident, you can contact my office on the details provided below and my team will do all we can to help you.


Office of Joan Ryan MP

542 Hertford Road | Enfield | EN3 5ST

Tel: 020 8804 4543 | Email: joan@joanryan.org.uk

